16 June 2010

Non-Book Blog: Awesome Copyright Video - A Fair(y) Use Tale

Alright, so I know that this is supposed to be a book blog. But...since I'm the queen of this here domain, I've decided to take a few liberties and add some other stuff.

Yep, that's right. As of right now, this blog will continue to be a meat & potatoes blog about books and my review of them. However, from time to time, I'm going to add a side dish of book/library related stuff. Like this Awesome video about copyright.

I don't know a ton about copyright and fair use, but I will admit that I'm learning so much so quickly in grad school. A fellow librarian here in Grand Junction was actually charged with (accused of? I don't know the proper terminology, but whatevs) copyright infringement a few years ago.  Because of that, we're all a bit more aware of copyright laws and making sure our kids live within them.  Ok...so some of us (read: I) try to be more aware, but most of the time I feel like I'm swimming up-river with lead in my pockets.  I do think this video explains copyright laws and fair use practices pretty well, and it's durn creative!

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